More Perks のバックアップ(No.5)

Top/More Perks

More Perks Edit


最新バージョン2.4.5 (12/06/03 現在)


アルファベット順 Edit

Ability to Focus Edit

Art of Pain Edit

Autodidact Edit

Beanballer Edit

Big League Slugger Edit

Blind Luck Edit

Bonsai Edit

Bottle Rush! Edit

Bright Side of Life Edit

Burning Sunlight Edit

Cancerous Growth Edit

Chemical Engineer Edit

・通常では数が僅かに限られているAlien Power Cellが実質無制限に手に入るチャンスが生まれる。

Civilized Bravery Edit

Destiny Gambler Edit

Doorbuster Edit

Double Slash Edit

Drink to the Last! Edit

Dubious Craftsman Edit

E.P.I.C. Edit

Mysterious StrangerとMiss Fortunesの出現確率が2倍になる。

Face of Deception Edit

Fading Fingerprints Edit

Famous Survivor Edit

Field Medic Edit

First Thing First Edit

Fortuitous Warrior Edit

Friend of Freindless Edit

Ghoulficated Heart Edit

Greasemonkey Edit

Heavily Trained Edit

Heavy Marksmanship Edit

I Hate That Guy! Edit

I seeee yoouu! Edit

Inspiring Leader Edit

Jump to Conclusions Edit

Kleptomaniac Punch Edit

Knife in the Shadow Edit

Limb Grinder Edit

Major Achiever Edit

Mojave Investor Edit

Mutant Hunter Edit

Mutual Attraction Edit

Neutral Party Edit

Nikola's Shockwave Edit

No Time to Think Edit

One Way or Another Edit

Outsmarting Booletz Edit

Pathfinder Edit

Peer Pressured Edit

Persistent Manner Edit

Pipboy Upgrade Edit

Placebo Effect Edit

Play with Fire Edit

Poker Face Edit

Potato Farmer Edit

Professional Courier Edit

Prospector Edit

Prowler Edit

Repair Master Edit

Rise and Shine Edit

Roach Lover Edit

Run like Winds! Edit

Sense of Emergency Edit

Sharpshooter Edit

Shells for Shelly Edit

Smooth Criminal Edit

Special Ops. Edit

Steel Behind Suits Edit

Sunny and Smiling Edit

Superior Mind Edit

Swing for the Fence! Edit

Tactical Strategist Edit

Tech Junkie Edit

Tech Wizard Edit

The New Era Edit

Too Drunk to Die Edit

Turret Expert Edit

Two Faces Edit

Unexpected Happiness Edit

Wheres my pants Edit

Wimp in Silence Edit

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