More Perks のバックアップ差分(No.1)

Top/More Perks

*More Perks [#veab77c6]
-様々なPerkを追加する。More TraitsとMore Perks for Companionsもあり。


最新バージョン2.4.5 (12/06/03 現在)

※C a n c e rという文字列をつなげてwikiに書くことができなかったので現在便宜的にC a n c e r o u s Growthとなっていますご注意ください。


*アルファベット順 [#bfcce620]
**Ability to Focus [#df850236]
**Art of Pain [#yfe041e4]
**Autodidact [#w8fb94f3]
**Beanballer [#f2570127]
**Big League Slugger [#x60a5ccc]
**Blind Luck [#qd7e57c1]
**Bonsai [#v0264a00]
**Bottle Rush! [#h8a6f57c]
**Bright Side of Life [#b198fd99]
**Burning Sunlight [#za2ff19a]
**C a n c e r o u s Growth [#o98d805e]
**Chemical Engineer [#c89aa9af]
**Civilized Bravery [#we52c719]
**Destiny Gambler [#u2e84019]
**Doorbuster [#a9e2b0ad]
**Double Slash [#o67bcc9c]
**Drink to the Last! [#j8e63b9e]
**Dubious Craftsman [#wcf5e395]
**E.P.I.C. [#afe7887c]
**Face of Deception [#n0947391]
**Fading Fingerprints [#je83302a]
**Famous Survivor [#z76dfc2e]
**Field Medic [#ka41f34f]
**First Thing First [#w2ac40e9]
**Fortuitous Warrior [#qdc58ea8]
**Friend of Freindless [#s8951d23]
**Ghoulficated Heart [#p6ee963f]
**Greasemonkey [#od0c7516]
**Heavily Trained [#vac7222b]
**Heavy Marksmanship [#qcea8b0a]
**I Hate That Guy! [#l4a71b8c]
**I seeee yoouu! [#g6e7f499]
**Inspiring Leader [#uac90e18]
**Jump to Conclusions [#if9b09f3]
**Kleptomaniac Punch [#w5f2802a]
**Knife in the Shadow [#w39f92dc]
**Limb Grinder [#seb87567]
**Major Achiever [#kf6864fe]
**Mojave Investor [#ib53ac8a]
**Mutant Hunter [#k2b728e3]
**Mutual Attraction [#ybec6cb0]
**Neutral Party [#weee2107]
**Nikola's Shockwave [#c15a1c01]
**No Time to Think [#y7d8337d]
**One Way or Another [#c3a7fa85]
**Outsmarting Booletz [#a0da344c]
**Pathfinder [#a8910ac5]
**Peer Pressured [#q7d27827]
**Persistent Manner [#zb1f5613]
**Pipboy Upgrade [#nd1f80ef]
**Placebo Effect [#wcf43a5f]
**Play with Fire [#t0ca4064]
**Poker Face [#l0cd00d6]
**Potato Farmer [#r0be9220]
**Professional Courier [#qc69e476]
**Prospector [#q8e09c6f]
**Prowler [#b9dfb465]
**Repair Master [#abef2dff]
**Rise and Shine [#y133e892]
**Roach Lover [#p2a46a9c]
**Run like Winds! [#x6a2c41f]
**Sense of Emergency [#decb31c5]
**Sharpshooter [#ycf7f28d]
**Shells for Shelly [#s0fbaa66]
**Smooth Criminal [#g92f7a50]
**Special Ops. [#i625ecb6]
**Steel Behind Suits [#r7d5d845]
**Sunny and Smiling [#qd308310]
**Superior Mind [#le729305]
**Swing for the Fence! [#l4fec722]
**Tactical Strategist [#k99d85f5]
**Tech Junkie [#s2fb5909]
**Tech Wizard [#n104d246]
**The New Era [#i0913c5c]
**Too Drunk to Die [#m713a53c]
**Turret Expert [#ba0f55a7]
**Two Faces [#i4ca093f]
**Unexpected Happiness [#qb65a91c]
**Weapon Repair Master [#y305ac5d]
**Wheres my pants [#a30df43b]
**Wimp in Silence [#x1b37b44]

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