攻略情報/共通 のバックアップ(No.3)

攻略情報/共通 Edit

スキルブック配置一覧 Edit

Big Book of Science Edit

Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual Edit

D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine Edit

Dean's Electronics Edit

Duck and Cover! Edit

Grognak the Barbarian Edit

Guns and Bullets Edit

Lying, Congressional Style Edit

Nikola Tesla and You Edit

Pugilism Illustrated Edit

Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor Edit

Wasteland Survival Guide Edit

Tumblers Today Edit

Wild Wasteland の場所一覧 Edit


That Fridge Was a Death Trap!(Goodsprings)
Hovering Anomaly(Horowitz Farmstead)
What Is It, Boy?
Granny's Grannies
Getting Too Close(Captain Curtis)
Owen and Beru
Romanes Eunt Domus
Crusoe Sucks as an Investigator
The Future of Law Enforcement
The Big One
Johnny Five-Aces
Game Over Man, Game Over!
Dammit, I'm an ambassador
Holy Hand Grenades

Nuka-Cola Quartzの場所 Edit

コレクターアイテムなNuka-Cola Quartz情報、ぶっちゃけNUKAケミで作れるので誰特情報・・・
効果:DT+4 HP+6(20s) Rads+9 @Sur50
Just south of Poseidon Gas Station, in a crate on a shelf in Violet's makeshift fort.The cola will be in a bin.
Zapp's Neon Signs- two upstairs in office.
Camp Golf House Resort- Upon walking into the the building, take a left then a left and in the kitchen there are 5 on a shelf. (Counts as stealing)
One in the billiards supply room on the Recreation Area level of Vault 3.
Three on the shelf behind Lacey in the Mojave Outpost Barracks. (Stealing).If you don't want imfamy or a gunfight with NCR pick it up physically and bring it to an empty area,then steal it.
In the storage building on Black Mountain
Three on the storages shelves behind the counter in the Boulder City Saloon. You can either buy or steal these.
Five in the kitchen of the Top's Casino Restaurant. (Stealing)
Two in the REPCONN Headquarters, Gift Shop, back room. Along with two Nuka-Cola Victorys.
One located in Violet's makeshift base.

Nuka-Cola Victoryの場所 Edit

コレクターアイテムその2 これもNUKAケミで作れるので・・・
効果:AP+20 HP+6(20s) Rads+9 @Sur50
One in the storage room at Black Mountain, to the right of the worktable.
There is one located in Vault 3 in one of the rooms in the Recreation Area (with the billiard equipment).
One in a room in the El Rey Motel, near a bed by a dead Wastelander.
One can be found in the Jacobstown Bungalow closest to the gate, in the broken fridge
One in the northwest house in Camp Nelson behind a toppled refrigerator.
One in the Atomic Wrangler upstairs in Garrent's bedroom (need experience of 50 lockpick to enter the room)(Counts as stealing)
One in Klamath Bob's Liquor Store in Westside (Counts as stealing)
One in Nipton Hall, behind the mayors desk is a locked door (average lock). It is on the immediate shelf.
Two in REPCONN Headquarters, Giftshop, First Floor. On a table in the back room behind the counter, along with 2 Nuka-Cola Quartz. (Requires 75 lockpick)

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